Create space to make magic with a


Save $200-800 off a DreamBox if you order by February 28, 2025 with my discount code: JENNIFERMAKER

Shop at DreamBox US Shop with my code!

Or use discount code JENNIFERMAKERDBC to save $200 off the DreamBox Center

I lovelovelove mine! Here is my DreamBox ready for spring!

DreamBox Spring 2025

This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission but it won't cost you a penny more)!  Read my full disclosure policy.

Plus a GIFT FROM ME if you get a DreamBox!

DreamBox Gift

If you get a DreamBox with my code before midnight on February 28, 2025, I'll give you a GIFT, and you get to choose it!

You get your choice of a $100 gift certificate to the 
JenniferMaker shop, good for any of my e-books (like my popular Sublimation Cookbook), workshops, or courses -OR- a scholarship to my Design to Shine course at the Platinum level ($100 value), which is currently closed for public enrollment (so this is the only way to get in before I open enrollment again). 

To redeem your gift, just order a DreamBox with my code before midnight on February 28, 2025 and send an email to with your order number, the items you ordered, and your gift choice (gift card or course scholarship).

Check out the DreamBox!

You can truly see what the DreamBox looks like in these videos!

Just For Fun

Take a peek inside my DreamBox!

DreamBox in Rainbow Stars
DreamBox 2

How to Get a Discount

Be sure to enter the code JENNIFERMAKER into the discount code box at checkout as shown here:

Dreambox Checkout

I Am Ordering a New DreamBox, too!

I love the DreamBox so much that when designing my NEW studio project on Maker Farm, I made a special place for it and made sure I had a outlet in the right spot for my DreamBox. It's been part of my plans since designing the studio from day 1!

DreamBox 2023 Order

I will use my own discount code to order a new DreamBox 3 for my new studio on Maker Farm, once construction is finished in a few weeks. I will get all the bells and whistles, too (pre-built, crown, full set of totes, and the side tables).

The original DreamBoxes I had will remain at my original studio, where some members of my team work, so they can benefit from them, too!

This will be our fifth DreamBox (and yes, I pay the same price you do for them -- I use my own discount codes when I order) because I find them really, really useful. Most families don’t need four, but as my craft skills and business grows, I find that a DreamBox is often the best storage and organizational solution that fits in a neat package and requires WAY less work than piecing it all together myself from smaller components from, say, IKEA.

Answers to Your Questions

I get a lot of questions about the DreamBox, and you may be on the fence right now, too, so I thought I’d take a moment to answer some questions I receive:

What's the difference between a DreamBox 2 and the DreamBox 3?
The changes are minimal -- it's more about the ability to grow with you! 
Check out this page for more details about the DreamBox 3! 

Do I REALLY need the crown?
Nope, it does the job without it just fine! That said, I’ve always ordered my DreamBoxes with the crown because I like how it looks with it and love the extra light. The more light I have, the better I am able to craft. And the light in the crown is just like the light in the DreamBox -- a daylight LED, so it works really well. So I think the answer to this question depends more on your budget. If you can afford it, go for it. If not, don’t let the lack of a crown stop you from getting one.

What about accessories?
DreamBox accessories are great to have! I love my Tablet Holder, that can be mounted on the DreamBox and then pulled out to sit on the table. Very handy!

Upper Hand DreamBox

DIY Assembly or Pre-Assembly?
This one is easy — we did our first DreamBox as DIY Assembly and it took a long time (one full day). My second one was Pre-Assembly and it was AH-mazing. A truck showed up, unloaded a big crate into our garage for us, and we took it from there — we took off the crate's lid, brought the assembled parts into our studio, and attached them together. Very easy! So I did pre-assemblies for the next two I ordered as well. For me, time is money, so it’s a huge savings to have DreamBox pre-assemble nearly all of it. You may have more time than money, on the other hand, and prefer DIY assembly. So this one does depend on your budget.

Can I get it for any less money?
This is the BIG question I get -- because the DreamBox is not cheap. Your best bet to getting one at a good price is to get it during a sale like this. Using my discount code, you can save on a DreamBox. I get all of mine using my own discount codes. If that price is still too high, they do offer financing with affordable monthly plans in the US shop, even some with 0% financing. I haven’t used their financing program, but I’ve heard of others who have and it allowed them to get a DreamBox when otherwise they would not. 

Oh! And don’t forget that you can save a little more with my gift card. I mean, you were going to take one of my workshops or courses this year or in the future, right? So if you get a DreamBox using my discount code and tell me about it (send the order number and grand total to, I will send you back a gift card code for my shop that you can use on my books, workshops, and courses.

Did you really buy your DreamBox, Jennifer?

YES! All four of our DreamBoxes (the two at our studio, the one in my office, and the one in Greg's office) were purchased by us at the exact same discounts you get. You may have heard stories where content creators like me get "free stuff." Yes, I get offered free stuff everyday. But did you know that I don't accept free stuff? I either buy it outright, or if I can't get the thing without offering it free, I donate it to a charity or give it away to community members (random drawing) after I've reviewed it and then I go buy my own when it is available for sale. I have a firmly-held business belief that you cannot understand the value of something if you do not use your own money to purchase it. So I buy EVERYTHING you ever see me with -- all of my tools, supplies, furniture, clothing, services, everything. And you always will! It is very important to me that you know that if I recommend something, it's because I love it and feel it is a good value.

Is a DreamBox REALLY worth it?
I can only give you my personal opinion here, but would I have bought four if I didn’t think DreamBoxes were the bomb diggity? I mean seriously. No one is twisting my arm here. The company that makes DreamBox (Create Room) is not asking me to do this for some mysterious reason, nor giving me some extra discount. I’ve never gotten a DreamBox for free, I’m not being paid to say or do any of this, and I’m completely non-sponsored. I’m a free agent, and I love DreamBox. And yes, I do make a small commission if you purchase through my link, but it's not the sort of money that I can support my team on. I believe in this product and find it a joy to talks about and share.

So WHY do I love it? It controls my “stuff” into one tidy spot. All the drawers, the work surface, the organization ... it gets the chaos under control, and when my stuff is organized, my brain is organized and I am more creative and productive. It’s really that simple for me. That’s why I’m so big on craft organization in general. Being organized is not just about the physical things — it’s a state of being that makes a gigantic difference in my life. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not always organized. I am no Marie Kondo. I have many times when things are disorganized and chaotic. But every time I correct this by organizing, I am immediately calmed and in control and super creative again.

But I get that my opinion is just mine, but I can tell you that several of my team members have DreamBoxes and also love them. And there are over 7000 glowing reviews of DreamBox on their site, with tons of photos of DreamBoxes in use. It’s pretty inspiring really to see all organization, all these lives touched by a piece of furniture (albeit a pretty amazing piece of furniture). 

Here's what's cool about the DreamBox:

DreamBox 2 Improvements

Do I get it now or wait?
If you want one and can afford it, this is the time to do it. The longer you wait, the longer it takes to get! Also, the DreamBox 3 deal right now is really good. I am SO glad I ordered mine when I did and didn't wait longer to decide.

Save on a DreamBox with

Plan Your DreamBox

I have a FREE 26-page planner you can download to help you on the journey to a DreamBox.

My Ultimate DreamBox Planner shares our story of how we came to get our first DreamBox, strategies to help you save (including a savings tracker and a graduated budget plan), a planning worksheet, a little paper DreamBox you can "fill" with totes and shelves, a DreamBox map to help you track where everything goes, and links to more resources (like tote liners, tips, and videos).

Ultimate DreamBox Planner
get the free planner